The Reluctant Emissary (The Annunak Series Book 1) Read online
The Annunak Series – Book 1
TM Toombs
To Mike, my supportive husband (if you’d pick up after yourself a little more, that’d be GREAT!) and Daniel & Collin, my bratty kids. I love you guys anyway.
Without my awesome developmental editor, Sandra Haven, I wouldn’t have made it this far.
A huge thank you to Teresa McPherson for saving my ass when the other copy editor short circuited.
JR, huge thanks for all the help. Really glad we crossed paths!
And finally, to all those people that said I shouldn’t or couldn’t.
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Copyright © 2017 TM Toombs
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Cover by Christian Bentulan
Eshan steered his rust bucket off Spenard Road into the crowded parking lot of Anchorage’s seediest looking bar, Chilkoot Charlie’s. “Koots” to the locals. It was busy for a Thursday night. Finally finding an open parking spot, Eshan backed in, put the car into park and reached for the ignition. As his hand touched the key, a sudden memory distracted him.
Maybe it was this exact parking spot. Or maybe it was the weather. Whatever it was, he was suddenly thrown back two years ago, to the night he had met her. The woman that had finally made him feel like he had a purpose in this filthy, overpopulated, alien-dominated world. Even Alaska, “The Last Frontier,” was beginning to feel crowded as people looked for an escape from the jam-packed mega-cities.
Tonight was different than that distant memory. Instead of meeting his two closest friends for a few beers and darts, he was meeting up with Anna. A smile of anticipation spread across his face. He couldn’t help himself. She always made him smile. When he was with her, he felt like the future was bright and dreams could become a reality. A rarity in this now unrecognizable world.
With a quick twist, he shut off the ignition then stuffed the key to his classic Toyota Corolla into the pocket of his heavy winter jacket. He opened the car door as large, lazy snowflakes began to silently drift down from the inky, black night sky. By the time he reached the door to Koots, a full-on snowstorm was brewing. I hope it stays warm enough that the roads don’t freeze, he thought as he wiped a melting flake off his cheek. He’d been putting off getting the much-needed new snow tires until he’d paid off the surprise he had for Anna. He patted the outside of his jacket pocket for what seemed like the hundredth time since he picked it up a little over an hour ago. Yup, the hard lump was still there.
A low whine passing above him caused him to look up. The matte gray underbelly of an inner solar ship passed high overhead, it’s landing lights flashing like a strobe light. As long as I live, I will never get used to those ships.
“Evenin’, Eshan!” Billy nodded as he held the door open. “Looks like we’re finally getting that snow the reports have been promising for days!”
“Too early, if you ask me,” Eshan said with a scoff as he ducked inside the narrow entrance to the bar to get out of the slowly building storm. He stopped and smiled at the big bouncer.
He and Billy had been friends since high school. Billy had gotten a football scholarship to some ivy league school in the Lower 48. But after a motorcycle accident shattered both his legs, he ended up as a bouncer at Koots and majoring in economics at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. Funny how things worked out: burly Billy becomes the economist and book worm Eshan the outdoorsman.
But Eshan hadn’t liked life behind a desk, so fresh out of high school, he’d taken a summer job as a horse wrangler for a hunting guide down in Cooper Landing on the Kenai Peninsula. They catered to the ultra-rich who could afford to hunt for the now exceedingly scarce moose and bear. Even dealing with the snobby tourists, Eshan couldn’t remember ever feeling more free and alive than he did on the back of a horse. The spruce covered mountains of the Chugach National Forest felt like home. But it had all seemed somehow unfinished. Until that epic night when he’d met Anna Klein. Everything suddenly clicked into place. His life. His hopes. His dreams of running his own guide business. He finally felt at peace in his heart and in his being.
“You have a fun time tonight, Eshan.” Billy threw a fake punch at him like old times. “But not too much.”
“You can never have too much fun,” Eshan laughed, slapped his friend on the shoulder and made his way into the maze that was Koots. Finally making his way to the Horseshoe Bar, he looked around, searching for his favorite person.
Not seeing her, he stepped up to the well-worn bar. Rose was working tonight. A good sign. She always brought him good luck when she was tending bar. Well, at least at dart tournaments.
“Eshan!” She smiled at him while placing a couple of drinks on the counter for the waiting customer. “Your usual?”
“Please.” He smiled back. “Have you seen Anna tonight?”
“Nope, not yet.” She set a thick-bottomed glass in front of him and filled it with whiskey and coke. Mostly whiskey and a single ice cube. A long-forgotten joke.
“Thanks.” He lifted his drink and took a hesitant sip, searching for an empty seat over the rim of his glass. Finding one, he lowered his drink and quickly made his way to the empty table before someone else could claim it.
As he sat down on the old tree stump that now served as a short bar stool, the TV hanging on the wall across from his table sprang to life. The sour-faced news anchor was regurgitating the day’s world events in a low, monotone drone. The screen filled with images of small, thin grey aliens working alongside human scientists in an ultra-secret corporate lab.
Eshan walked over to the TV, found the volume and turned it up so he could hear it more clearly. “…Congressman Hunter, I understand that you have a differing opinion on the agreement between the recently formed One World Government and the aliens from Zeta Reticuli. Or for our viewers, also known as The Zeta Greys. Can you share your thoughts with us?”
The picture switched to show a tall, stern-looking man standing on a balcony in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capital building in Washington, D.C. “What do we really know about these aliens? They showed up almost three years ago, professing their desire to help our planet with our overpopulation crisis. Our complete lack of concern for our various environmental issues. And our infantile ability to cure a multitude of diseases. They offered us so many technological advances it makes your head swim. All the while, swearing they want absolutely nothing in return other than healthy, strong backs to work their mines. Mines that we’ve never seen. And they want our citizens to work in conditions that they won’t allow us to observe or to run tests on the minerals they want us to mine. And the minerals are supposed to be used to create who knows what against an enemy that they won’t discuss? They ONLY thing they’ll tell us is that they’re losing and their world is about to be overrun if we don’t ship off hundreds of thousands of workers in the next week. This whole thing smells like old bait left out in the sun too long. Bottom line is, I don’t trust them and I’m getting tired of their ‘you don’t need to know’ song and dance.”
“Congressman, I understand that you are up for re-election and that your opponent, Mr. Hershel, has agreed to open up your district to allow The Greys
to build a space terminal for their transport ships. May I ask, other than the fact that you don’t trust them, why you are opposed to their plans to build the terminal?”
Eshan nodded his head in agreement with the Congressman. There’s just something, he started to mull over what bothered him about the strange aliens.
He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Turning from the TV, he found the most beautiful, smiling face framed by long, dark curls, staring at him.
“Sorry.” He sputtered.
“It’s OK. I understand your man-crush on Congressman Hunter. You have a mutual love of The Greys. They seem perfectly harmless to me.”
“Sad but true. He’s the only one I’d ever think about leaving you for. And you’ll learn that they aren’t as cute and trustworthy as you think they are.”
Her hazel eyes sparkled. Rising on her tip toes, she planted a kiss on his cheek. His heart began to race. Pulling at the collar of his wool sweater he pointed at the table where he’d set his drink down.
“Are you meeting someone?” he asked with a crooked grin.
“I’m afraid I am,” she frowned at him as she slipped off her jacket. He almost missed the quick, flirtatious wink she gave him.
“Would you like to sit with me until your friend shows up?” Eshan sat down on the stool and folded his arms in front of him on the table.
“He’s not just a friend, he’s my boyfriend.” She took the seat across from him and sat her bottle down on the table deliberately. The bubbles exploded up the neck of the bottle, creating an angry foam that threatened to escape in a flow of wasted beer.
“Aren’t you a little old for boyfriends?” he asked as he motioned for the server.
“You tell me,” she squinted at him as she leaned forward. “Aren’t you my boyfriend?”
“I guess if we were going to give our relationship a definition,” he started as he pulled out a small, black box from his coat pocket, placed it on the table in front of him then slowly slid it across the surface towards her.
She stared at him, her face suddenly pale. “I, uh,” she stammered. “What the hell, Eshan?!”
“It’s not what you think.” He flashed her a huge grin as the waitress appeared at the table.
“What can I get ya?” she asked.
“I’ll have another Crown and coke,” Eshan answered, then looked at Anna, “You need a fresh beer?”
“Yes, please.” Anna nodded looking up at the waitress. After the server left, Anna looked hard at Eshan.
“Aren’t you going to open it?” He chuckled.
“What’s the occasion?” she asked, confused.
“You don’t remember?” His shoulders drooped as a sly smile played on his lips.
Anna snatched up the box and rolled it around in her hands. It rattled. Her eyebrows knitted together over her tawny eyes as a look of deep concentration etched her sun kissed face. The server set their drinks down on the table and disappeared as quickly as she’d appeared.
“Do you need a hint?” Eshan asked after he took a long drink.
“Yeah,” she admitted. “You know I suck at remembering dates, babe.”
“Open it.”
She looked at him with apprehension as she slowly opened it. A beer bottle cap fell out and rolled a few inches away before coming to rest up against her untouched bottle. She looked shocked and more confused. She picked it up gingerly and looked at Eshan.
“It’s from the first beer I ever bought you. Right here at this very table, two years ago, tonight. Remember? I told you I was going to keep it forever as a souvenir.” He was almost giddy at having surprised her. Not an easy thing to do as she always seemed to know what was going on in his head.
“Oh my god!” She covered her mouth with her other hand. “I’m so sorry I forgot!”
“Yep, I guess I got ya good!” He sat back and crossed his arms with a smug smile drawn across his rugged, stubbled face.
She slowly lowered her hand as a thoughtful smile spread across her face. “Thank you. I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything since we didn’t make a big deal out of our one-year date anniversary.” She paused, looking down at her hands and toying with the beer cap. “For a moment there, I thought you were going to ask me to marry you.”
“I’ll tell ya what,” he said, becoming unusually serious as he reached into his pocket again and pulled out a small diamond solitaire set in a simple gold band. “Marry me and I’ll forgive you.” He couldn't help but grin.
She opened her mouth to say something and then slowly clamped it closed again. She shook her head, blinking as if uncertain how to respond. Eshan's stomach clenched as a shiver shook him. Had he been wrong about her feelings towards him? The cold chill of complete dread began to form in his heart as he watched her. Then a tear broke free, running down her cheek. She was crying! He swallowed hard, didn't know what to do to say … but she looked up, smiled and quickly nodded.
Eshan exhaled. “So. Is that a 'yes'?” he asked, tugging at his sweater collar again, his heartbeat thumping in his temples. She nodded again as more tears followed. Eshan half stood and leaned over the table and kissed her, hard. A round of applause coming from the surrounding tables drowned out the music from the stage as he sat back on his log stool, holding her hand. Several nearby patrons yelled out “congratulations” as Anna blushed.
They looked at each other like giddy teenagers while Eshan slipped the engagement ring on her finger.
“Pay the tab,” she leaned forward and whispered in a low, sultry voice that always gave him goosebumps. “I want to go home and celebrate.”
Eshan quickly flagged down the server and handed her his credit card. As the final notes of an old rock ballad ended, the crowded bar gave the obligatory round of applause as the band left the stage for a break.
The waitress thrust Eshan’s credit card and receipt into his line of sight. Without taking his eyes off Anna, he accepted it and stuttered a weak thanks through a beaming grin.
“You gonna sit there all night or are you gonna take a girl home?” Anna asked as she reached across the table and slipped her hand into his.
He helped Anna on with her coat then took her hand in his and guided her through the convoluted interior of the bar.
“Good night, lovebirds!” Billy laughed at them as they passed by on their way out the door. Once outside, Eshan wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they huddled together against the brisk wind and stinging frozen rain.
“Amazing how fast the weather can change its mind, isn’t it?” Anna’s teeth chattered.
“That’s why we love Alaska,” He laughed as he steered her towards the back of the parking lot where his car was parked. He reached into his pocket to get his keys and dropped them. Annoyed, he watched them skid under a nearby parked car and disappear out of sight.
“I’ll catch up,” he said as he bent over to search for them. Anna wrapped her coat tighter around herself and shuffled off towards his car a few places away.
Finally spotting his keys under a brand-new Honda Civic, he got down on his knees and strained to reach his keys. They were mere inches from his freezing fingers. Eshan laid on his stomach and squirmed under the car. Just as his fingers closed around the icy keys, the sounds of screeching metal on metal not far off startled him. Scrambling out from under the car, he caught his jacket on the bumper. As he struggled to free himself, he heard Anna screaming in pain. He raged against the bumper and finally tore a huge hole in his sleeve as he fell backwards and landed hard on his ass. He sprung to his feet and ran through the sloshy, melting snow, desperately searching for Anna.
Coming to the end of the line of parked cars, he struggled to understand what he was seeing. A black Chevrolet Silverado pickup had slammed into the side of his car. Pinned between the two vehicles, Anna was motionless, her head resting on the hood of the truck. Her right arm dangled at her side. The rest of her body was sandwiched between the two vehicles. Fear and panic coursed through his veins, propelling him towards Anna
. He felt like he was struggling against an invisible wall of water. His heart pounded inside his chest as he forced himself forward, one heavy foot after the other. His feet as wearisome as if they were encased in thick mud. He finally reached the accident scene and gasped. Eshan reached out to touch her. Anna was as pale and silent as the engorged snowflakes that fell all around them, muffling the sounds of passing traffic on the wet pavement yards away. At his touch, she let out a gentle moan and rolled her head back to look up at him. She stared at him for a moment, trying to focus on his face. Her eyes began to glisten with unshed tears as she stared into his eyes. Anna clenched her teeth as a wave of intense pain hit her.
“Eshan,” she whispered. She grimaced as she raised her free arm. Her hand searching for his.
He took her hand in his, “It’s ok, baby. I’m here. I got you.” The words spilled out of him as he struggled to keep his tears from escaping and his voice steady.
“I was kinda hoping we’d grow old together,” she smiled, weakly. “I had a good feeling about you.” Eshan watched helplessly as Anna tried to hide her physical and emotional pain from him.
“We will,” he said softly, gently stroking her hair with his other hand.
As if everything around them was slowing down, a white Mercedes silently glided out of the thickening snowfall like a ghost. It came to a stop behind Eshan as he stroked Anna’s hair and held her hand in his. A car door slammed. He jumped but kept his eyes locked on hers, fearing if he looked away, she’d disappear, never having existed in his life.
Billy appeared like an apparition through the snow and knelt beside him, placing his strong hand on Eshan’s shoulder. “Did you call an ambulance?”
Eshan could only shake his head, slowly.
“It’s ok, I’ll do that right now.” Billy jumped to his feet, pulled a phone from his pocket and quickly placed the call.